A Basic Guide for Stoma Care

Published on by Vincenzo Centeno

For a chronic disease like colon cancer, rectum cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, or intractable incontinence, a person will have a stoma or a change of natural passage of discharge. This will be a traumatic situation for a person after knowing that there will be an opening in their abdomen.

A stoma is an artificial hole in the abdominal wall of a patient. It allows feces or urine to come out through an unnatural pathway. When a person's colon, ileum, or rectum cannot perform their function, and the anus cannot excrete stool, then there is a need for stoma for the excretion purpose. A stoma or opening can be temporary and permanent. In the permanent stoma, a patient will no longer discharge waste through the natural passage, anus. However, the temporary stoma is a reversible method, after the healing of the large intestine, small intestine, rectum, and the specific disease, surgeons close the hole in the abdomen and bring the colon or ileum back to that organic path.

The stoma is usually red or dark pink. When it comes to the shape, it is generally round or oval. The size of the opening varies according to the weight and body of the patient. However, it is a small hole in the lower right or left side of the belly button. Moreover, it gives a fleshy appearance.

Types of Stoma

The following are three fundamental types of stoma:

  • Colostomy
  • Ileostomy
  • Urostomy

Preoperative Session for Quick Recovery

Many people did not even hear the word ostomy or stoma in their entire life. Therefore, they need a lot of information regarding this surgery. For this purpose, there is a preoperative meeting in the hospitals to let a patient know all about the ostomy, its type, new life, and care. Thus, you should not kip this conference, as you will get all the right information there and recovery tips. The session will enhance your knowledge, blow away fear, and magnify your rehabilitation. Moreover, you will meet the multidisciplinary team that includes surgeons, a ward nurse, a WOC nurse, a physiotherapist, a diet planner, a member from a social working organization, and a member of the pastoral care team. This team and meeting will help you to solve your questions regarding stoma. Moreover, these include your tests like CT - Scan, blood test, urine test, X-ray, and ECG.

Stoma Care Nurse

In the hospital, your stoma care nurse will guide you about the pouching system, care for opening, and appropriate diet. The way the WOC nurse will empty and change your stoma bag, you will have to try the same method at home. Moreover, any question about the pouching system and stoma, you can ask your nurse in the hospital. The dietician in the hospital will guide you about the appropriate foods for the healthy stoma.

Abnormal Stoma

Many ostomates do not know the difference between healthy and unhealthy stoma. Patients do worry about the opening even it is hale. Therefore, a stoma person should know about the abnormal symptoms of a hole in the abdomen.

A problematic stoma shows the following signs:

  • Bleeding from the stoma.
  • Change in the size of the stoma without any weight gain or loss.
  • A sudden change of color of the stoma.
  • Blockage in the stoma.
  • Burning in the stoma and around it.
  • Irritation and itching.

If you feel any of the mentioned points, then your stoma is not healthy, you should consult your doctor immediately.

Cleaning of the Stoma

An ostomate should clean and wash the stoma. It is a new organ of your body, it is not something you cannot touch or care.


  • Wash your stoma with warm water.
  • Wash your hands before touching the abdominal area.
  • Use sanitizer before and after cleaning the stoma.
  • Use medicated soaps and wipes for the cleaning of the stoma.

Published on Stoma Care

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